I. LIQUID METHOD - my favourite, the easiest, the fastest and the least messy method.
18 eggs, washed and dried
1350 ml water
350g salt
2 slices of ginger
2 tbsp vodka
2 tbsp sugar
2 cinnamon sticks (optional)
2 star anise (optional)
Method for curing egg yolks
Prepare a few clean and dry big pots/jars with lid, set aside.
In a pot, cook water, salt, sugar, cinnamon, star anise, ginger until boil then turn off the heat
Stir in vodka
Put raw eggs into prepared jar/pot
Pour in liquid mixture, use something heavy to sit on top of the eggs to make sure they are immersed in water. Close the lid. Store in cool and dry place.
Eggs will be ready after 4-6 weeks. Salted egg yolks will be hard, orange red in color. Egg white will be clear, and has no smell.
Method for processing cured egg yolks:
Prepare baking tray lined with tin foil
20ml Vodka
Dash of cinnamon powder (optional)
Work with one egg at a time. Break shell and discard egg white, wash egg yolk under cool running water, quickly dip egg yolk into Vodka, then transfer it to baking tray. Continue until finish all the eggs.
Bake at 170C (350F) about 5-10 minutes.
Baked egg yolks should be shinning, red in color.
Use right away or store in freezer. If frozen, thaw before using.
II. DRY METHOD - a bit time consuming compared to Liquid method
18 eggs, washed and dried
350-400g salt
1tsp five-spice powder (optional)
1 tsp ginger powder (optional)
150 ml Vodka
In a bowl, mix salt, five-spice powder and ginger powder together
In a different deep bowl, pour in Vodka
Working with one egg at a time, dip the egg into Vodka, then dip into the salt mixture, make sure eggshell well covered by salt.
Wrap the egg with cling firm.
Continue until finished with all the eggs
Store in cool and dry place for 4-6 weeks.
Process cured eggs as Liquid Method.
III. INSTANT METHOD - fastest result (24-36 hrs), but it is time consuming when prepared. Yolks will not be as nice as yolks made with Liquid Method and Dry Method because they will loose it round shape.
18 eggs, washed.
350-400g salt
Working with one egg at a time.
Break an egg, keep egg yolk, discard or save egg white for other use.
Cover the inner shell with salt
Put egg yolk into it
Fully cover the egg yolk with salt
Keep the shell stand straight in egg container.
Work until finish all the eggs.
Wrap the egg container well with cling firm
Store in fridge for 24-36 hours
Process as Liquid Method
Good luck and have fun baking!
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